This is a FREE, year-round income tax preparation program for Indigenous Peoples, those who are disabled, those with a modest income, newcomers, seniors and students.
You are eligible if:
- You are not able to prepare tax return on your own.
- It is a simple tax situation.
- Interest income is less than $1,000
- Business income within box 048 on a T4A slip is less than $1,000
- You meet the income threshold guidelines:
- Individual - up to $35,000;
- 2 persons - up to $45,000;
- 3 persons - up to $47,500
- 4 persons - up to $50,000
- For each additional person in the family - add $2,500 to the family income
You are ineligible to participate in this program if you have any of the following:
- self-employment income or business expenses
- rental income & expenses
- capital gains or losses
- a return for those who are deceased
- filed for bankruptcy
Instructions - To have your income tax completed by one of our volunteers please come to the Wheatland County Municipal Operations Centre on Hwy 1 and Range Road 243. Proceed to the "My Free Library" bookstand outside the main entrance. Located inside the bookstand you will find large brown envelopes. Take one envelope for each person requiring to have their taxes competed. Complete the paperwork found inside the envelope and insert all your income slips and receipts/expenses to be claimed in the envelope. Seal the envelope and drop into the mail slot to the left of the main doors.
***Please do not put your completed forms back into the bookstand.
If you have any questions or require more information please call 403-934-5335 or send an email to [email protected]
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